Terminal Locations

Please click on the city on the interactive map for Terminal contact information

Gardewine's service map: Operating regions for transportation and logistics services in MB, SK & ON
Regina Winnipeg Toronto Saskatoon Montreal North Bay New Liskeard Kirkland Lake Sudbury Timmins Geraldton Marathon Wawa Sault Ste. Marie Thunder Bay Atikokan Fort Frances Kenora Red Lake Dryden Morden Reston Brandon Portage la Prairie Neepawa Swan River Dauphin The Pas Flin Flon Snow Lake Leaf Rapids Thompson Gillam Churchill


1420 Park Street
S4N 2G2

Contact through Customer Service Winnipeg

TF (800) 282-8000


60 Eagle Drive
R2R 1V5

Winnipeg Dock Operations Manager:
Preston McCluskey

P (204) 631-3709
F (204) 694-7275
TF (800) 282-8000


1100 Haultain Court, Mississauga
L4W 2T1

Terminal Manager:
Robert Coote

P (905) 614-1484
F (905) 614-0283
TF (888) 818-7771


815 Patience Lake Road
S7H 5P1

Contact through Customer Service Winnipeg

TF (800) 282-8000


10755 Chemin de la Côte-de-Liesse Dorval
H9P 1H2

Business Development Quebec:
Jacques Mercier

P (514) 365-5666
F (514) 363-3535
TF (800) 540-0449

North Bay

8 Ferris Drive
P1B 2S4

Terminal Manager:
John Nethery

P (705) 476-0140
F (705) 495-6062
TF (866) 240-0030

New Liskeard

310 Hawn Drive
Box 1417
P0J 1P0

Terminal Manager:
Ron Maxwell

P (705) 647-8194
F (705) 647-5524

Kirkland Lake

162 Main Street
Box 244
P2N 3H7

Terminal Manager:
Ron Maxwell

P (705) 567-9652
F (705) 567-3776


20 Duhamel Road
Lively P3Y 1L4

Terminal Manager:
Jesse Gouin

P (705) 692-3000
F (705) 692-5343
TF (800) 461-0146


1780 Highway 655 P4N 7J5

Terminal Manager: Paul Nuttal

P (705) 264-5336
F (705) 267-5652
TF (800) 224-1278


541 Rosedale Point Road
P0T 1M0

Terminal Manager:
Andrew Rowe

Contact through Thunder Bay

P (807) 766-1300
TF (888) 476-6784


1 Penn Lake Road
P0T 2E0

Terminal Manager:
Andrew Rowe

Contact Through
Thunder Bay

P (807) 766-1300
F (807) 229-2498
TF (888) 476-6784


100 Mills Drive
P0S 1K0

Terminal Manager:
Chris Rowe

P (705) 856-7171
F (705) 856-7343

Sault Ste. Marie

600 Shannon Road
P6B 3M1

Terminal Manager:
Chris Rowe

P (705) 759-4412
F (705) 942-3115
TF (800) 461-2241

Thunder Bay

230 Main Street
P7B 6S4

Terminal Manager:
Andrew Rowe

P (807) 766-1300
F (807) 345-7885
TF (888) 476-6784


106 Reid Street
P0T 1C0

Terminal Manager:
Kelly Siemens

Contact through Fort Frances
P (807) 274-0750
F (807) 274-4312

Fort Frances

1000 McIrvine Road N
P9A 3L4

Terminal Manager:
Kelly Siemens

P (807) 274-0750
F (807) 274-4312


912 Fifth Street South
P9N 1L8

Terminal Manager:
Chris Becker

P (807) 547-3105
F (807) 547-3296

Red Lake

23 Young Street
P0V 2M0

Terminal Manager:
Dave Arnold

P (807) 727-2014
F (807) 727-3625


(Box 2, Site 300, RR 3)
139 Boozhoo Avenue
P8N 3G2

Terminal Manager:
Mike Abela

P (807) 223-8312
F (807) 223-6856
TF (800) 407-8073


176 Grant Street
R6M 1Y4

Terminal Manager:
Deva Andrechuk

P (204) 822-4200
F (204) 822-6244
TF (888) 871-6552


Contact through Brandon Terminal

TF (800) 220-5421


1108 McTavish Ave E
R7A 7B9

Terminal Manager:
Tim Clark

P (204) 726-4441
F (204) 728-4855

TF (800) 220-5421

Portage la Prairie

Contact through Customer Service Winnipeg

TF (800) 282-8000


166 Gill Road
R0J 1H0

Terminal Manager:
Tim Clark

P (204) 476-3378
F (204) 476-3995

Swan River

Box 635,
1877 Main Street
R0L 1Z0

Terminal Manager:
Bruce Goran

P (204) 734-5012
F (204) 734-4007


801 Whitmore Avenue E
R7N 3B3

Terminal Manager:
Phil Lozinski

P (204) 638-3631
F (204) 638-7047
TF (888) 849-1169

The Pas

Box 2460, Hwy 10 N.
R9A 1M2

Terminal Manager:
Mike Cook

P (204) 623-5419
F (204) 623-1723

Flin Flon

131 Timber Lane
R8A 1M9

Acting Terminal Manager:
Phil Lussier

P (204) 687-7546
F (204) 687-7948

Snow Lake

112 Cedar Avenue
R0B 1M0

Terminal Manager:
Ron Doerksen

P (204) 358-0383
F (204) 358-2004

Leaf Rapids

Block 6, Lot 13,
Akiskoo Bay
R0B 1W0

John Brayley

P (204) 473-8685
F (204) 473-2778


136 Hayes Road
R8N 1M4

Area Manager:
Randy Irvine

P (204) 778-8311
F (204) 677-2320
TF (866) 706-9759


Box 130, 120 Railway Avenue
R0B 0L9

James Gordon

P (204) 652-2624
F (204) 652-2493


Box 1135, #2 Mantayo Sepee Meskanou
R0B 0E0

Terminal Manager:
David Hodkin

P (204)-675-2686
F (204)-675-2909